Showing posts with label syscolumns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label syscolumns. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2009

From my security consulting days

It seems that I'm getting rusty and forgetting the system structure of the mycrosoft database, however, my lazyness as my fame keeps me going

This afretnoon, after the database has been changed once again due to the customers requirements (why oh why !?) and your servant had to update the webservice for supplying what the custommer wanted (remember the webcomic right?) ...

So here I sit and checking the the table that had to update .. it seems that it is [tblByyyyReeee] that has a new collumn but grrr : the CopyPaste does not work here . Romi offers clicking on the table's name in the Object Explorer , but hey , there is a nice way to that

Scratching my old security consulting days memories back there in Comsec here is

select *
from syscolumns
where id in(
select id
from sysobjects
where name = 'tblByyyyReeee'

P.S. this is how you steal the database using the simple SQL Injection Vulnerability